A sand stronghold amid the golden shores
“Nothing is built on stone; All is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone.”
― Jorge Luis Borges
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javascript 비동기 프로그래밍 : Callback, Promise, 그리고 Async/Await
얼마 전 "Node.js 백엔드 개발자 되기" 책의 저자이신 박승규님이 진행하시는 Node.js 스터디에서 javascript의 비동기 프로그래밍에 대해 발표하였습니다. 사용했던 발표자료 1. Callback 초기 JavaScript에서는 (그리고 다른 오래된 언어들에서도) 비동기 작업을 처리하기 위해 콜백 함수를 사용했습니다. 콜백...
read articleHow I Supercharged My C++ Builds
As a C++ developer working on large-scale projects, slow build times had become a constant source of frustration. Waiting for my code to compile, especially when I was iterating frequently, felt like...
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As a developer working with multiple programming languages and leveraging the latest software versions, I frequently encountered challenges in setting up and maintaining development environments. The...
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Lately, I've been working on a project that involves migrating our C++17-based solution to an environment that relies on C++14. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure why a client would want such a...
read articleTDD: Test Driven Development – 한빛 MSA
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Since I started using Spring Boot, I’ve really taken a liking to it. But there’s this quirky habit that’s formed. Every time I grab a new Spring project from the Spring Initializer, I end up deleting...
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