How I Supercharged My C++ Builds

| 2 min read

As a C++ developer working on large-scale projects, slow build times had become a constant source of frustration. Waiting for my code to compile, especially when I was iterating frequently, felt like an endless cycle of wasted time and productivity bottlenecks. However, after experimenting with various techniques, I was able to significantly reduce these compilation delays, and I'd like to share my approach with fellow C++ developers.

Breaking Down Monolithic Builds

One of the first steps I took was to address the issue of monolithic build targets. In large projects, it's easy to end up with a single, all-encompassing build target that compiles everything, even if you're only working on a specific module or feature. This approach not only slowed down the overall build process but also made it harder to identify and isolate issues specific to a particular component.

To tackle this, I started breaking down my projects into smaller, more manageable build targets, allowing me to build and test individual components independently. This modular approach not only reduced overall build times but also streamlined the development process by making it easier to pinpoint and resolve problems within specific modules.

Leveraging Precompiled Headers

Another game-changer for me was leveraging precompiled headers (PCH). By caching the preprocessed output of header files that rarely changed, such as system headers and common library headers, I could skip redundant processing of these files on subsequent builds. The time savings were substantial, especially for my larger codebases with numerous included headers.

Enabling Incremental Builds

Next, I ensured that my build system (in my case, CMake) was configured to take advantage of incremental builds. This intelligent approach meant that only the source files that had changed since the last build were recompiled, rather than rebuilding the entire project from scratch with every change. This simple tweak made a significant difference in compilation times, as I was no longer wasting cycles on recompiling unchanged files.

Parallelizing Builds

I also started parallelizing my builds, taking advantage of the multiple cores available on modern CPUs. By specifying the number of concurrent jobs (e.g., -j$(nproc) for Make), I could distribute the compilation workload across multiple cores, resulting in faster build times.

Optimizing Header File Inclusion

Another optimization technique that proved invaluable was carefully managing header file inclusion. I made a conscious effort to include only the headers that were strictly required for a particular source file. Additionally, I prioritized forward declarations over including headers whenever possible, reducing unnecessary dependencies and compile times.

Exploring Link-Time Optimization

In some cases, I experimented with Link-Time Optimization (LTO), a compiler optimization technique that performs whole-program analysis and optimization across multiple object files during the linking stage. While LTO did increase link times, the performance gains made it a worthwhile trade-off for certain projects.

Keeping the Compiler Up-to-Date

Finally, I made it a habit to keep my compiler up-to-date, taking advantage of the latest performance enhancements and optimization techniques introduced in newer versions of both g++ and clang++.

By implementing these techniques systematically across my projects, I witnessed a remarkable improvement in build times. Compile delays that once felt like an eternity were reduced to mere seconds, allowing me to iterate more frequently, catch bugs earlier, and maintain a productive development workflow.

If you're a fellow C++ developer struggling with slow build times, I highly recommend giving these techniques a try. The time and frustration you'll save will be well worth the effort, and you'll be able to focus more on what truly matters: writing high-quality, efficient code.